Linda from Go Philanthropic was here in Hoi An recently to visit CEF children who are sponsored by Go Philanthropic supporters and to be involved with our work here in Vietnam during her visit.
Amongst the many things she did, she met two girls; Anh and Hien. Anh was on our waiting list. Linda went to her home and was involved in her second interview. Hien was recently referred to CEF and Linda was involved in her interview too.
Within 24 hours of landing back in the States she found them each a sponsor. This is wonderful news as both these girls need help to be able to continue their education.
Hien is cared for by her mother and granny, but mum has cancer. Their home looks fine from the front, but the land at the back has slipped away into a creek and so the rear of the house is unstable. Snakes and rats enter the house at night and make for many bad nights sleep.
Anh has parents, who are responsible for her and her sister, grandparents and an mentally ill uncle on the wages her mum earns cleaning and from an unpredictable income her father earns fishing. Anh, her sister and parents live in a matting shack.