The poor families we know, work more hours and days, to the degree they can't work any more, and even are working when ill. They just can't earn enough.
The requests CEF is receiving for educational support for children is increasing, with us receiving many in the last few months.
The children's situations vary hugely; here are some examples:
One mother left her children and dad dead recently leaving them orphans and under the care of relatives who can't afford their education.
Two children have lost one parent due to AIDS and the other is dying; they now live with grandparents who really can't afford their education.
One dad died recently and mum who is a garbage collector can't afford her three children's education.
One dad died recently leaving mum with three children and his parents to care for; she can't easily work as dad's parents are elderly and in poor health.
One child committed suicide due to knowing her parents could not afford her education, but as she was exceptionally bright they had borrowed heavily to keep her in school, but got to a stage they could not borrow any more funds. It was too much for her. There are other children in this family whose education can't be afforded.
Another dad died leaving mum with three children to educate; she can't afford all their educational costs.
One family borrowed to start a small business, but it failed and now have lost their home, as they can't earn enough to pay off the debt. They can't afford their children's education.
There are many more stories and many more children we would love sponsored but I would love to start with these 7.
Below are some children we would love sponsored in the next few weeks so we can guarantee they have an education this year.