Wednesday, April 25, 2018

Roller coaster emotions ~ Guest blog by CEF's Thuy Dinh

One of CEF's excellent students
In the two months I have been working for CEF and having been on many home visit days to our students I have found these days to be a bit emotional for me, and cause mixed bitter sweet emotions.
I was impressed by the children who got excellent school results. When they are passionate about their study plans and their future we get great pleasure and we are really glad to help them.
But another child, I found myself disappointed with and sad due to her situation. Her results have continued to slide downwards and we had to talk strictly to her about them and the need to have good study techniques, do exams more carefully and spend more time on her studies. We had to remind her that letting her results slip so much makes it very hard to pick them up much and do well without a lot of work and help from extra tuition teachers.
When we arrived and I looking into her house, I felt sad when I saw her father lying on the bed and only able to move his left side as a result of brain injury from a bad fall.  He can hear everyone talking but he cannot speak or write. He smiles a lot and it was lovely to see his smile.  I hope next time he can write something for us, as we asked his daughter to teach him to write, and we also hope to have good news from her about her results which she seems to understand need to be much improved.  

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