Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Ever wonder what you can do to support Children's Education Foundation?

University is the dream of most of our students, but possibly only about 50% will be successful at getting into university. For those who are successful the challenge is how to cover the costs of  their university education.

At present we have 31 students in university, studying a variety of subjects, such as medicine, law, accounting, nutrition, food manufacturing and technology, IT, chain supply management, teacher training and foreign languages (English, Korean, Japanese and Chinese).

University costs vary depending on the subject, the area they are studying in and the city. For example the costs to study in Tam Ky in Quang Nam province are low and the university costs are low too, but the costs of studying in Ho Chi Minh City are high for both studies and living. To study medicine or architecture, the costs are high, to study teacher training the costs are low.

Another factor is can they get part time work to help with their costs. In some cities it is easy, such as in Da Nang, Tam Ky, Ha Noi and in Ho Chi Minh City. But when our students study in Hue they have a challenge finding work as it is a small city, but also because our students from Quang Nam who study there, have a different accent.

Students can apply for student loans in term two if they aren't an orphan, but a parent has to sign the paperwork and although it is the student's loan, some parents refuse to do this, denying their child a university education.

Basically for a poor student, going to university remains but a dream for many.

The CEF University Education Fund was created to help students dreams come true. When their sponsor from high school can't afford their university education costs, because of this fund, CEF can step in if they are in need of help.

So that more students can be helped, this fund offers the student 25% as a loan, to start paying back once they are earning.  75% of their short fall for their university education is a gift.

All our university students also receive mentoring and attend workshops that provide information they are in need of, such as on female health care, family planning,  budgeting and human trafficking. We also provide good second hand computers to our university students.

We hope that you will be interested in supporting this important fund that enables our students to be better educated and have a future with more opportunities.

Please get in touch with us:

(Photos are of some of our university students who come to CEF for biannual updates)

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