Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Where has the year gone?

 Thanksgivng always reminds me that it's nearly the end of the year. It also is a reminder to stop and think about the year, and although there might have been challenges, to think about all the good, all the kindness and generosity CEF has received, but also the sweet appreciation expressed by the students and their families.

This year CEF was affected by Covid in many ways, but close to everyone worldwide has been affected in some way. We received amazing support from both donors and sponsors for our families who are without incomes or on such small ones that they couldn't manage to pay the bills or eat enough. Many were eating two meals a day of just a little rice and vegetables topped with fish sauce. Here a little money goes a long way and the support over the year has been greatly appreciated by them.    

To CEF for her sponsor: Ngoc’s father wants to say thank you so much to her sponsor for his help over this difficult time. Her sponsor not only cares and helps Ngoc with her education fees but also supports the family.  He is willing to help when Ngoc’s family is in need. At the moment, dad is looking for a building job, but according to him, due to the effect of the Covid lockdown, it is very difficult to find one. It is also the rainy season now, and people don’t want to repair or build new houses. He told me that there has been a ‘Covid season’ and a ‘wet season’ this year, which he has meant he couldn’t make ends meet at all. Therefore, he expressed his deep gratitude to the sponsor and CEF for being very helpful, and thanks to that, his children have enough food every day.

Then there were all the funds for good second hand laptops, or laptops themselves, for our students in university and for some who had to study at home and had no internet cafes nearby. 

Back in the day when I got the letter of admission to be accepted into Da Nang University of Foreign Languages and Studies, my mum was thrilled, but also apprehensive about my university costs and that I had to live far from home. I did research and found myself stressed when I saw it was essential to have a laptop to study, do assignments, and prepare for presentations.

For the first few months at university, I was upset because most of my classmates bought new laptops to help them with their studies. Sometimes, I had to go to the internet shop or borrow a computer from my friend to complete my assignments. I did not find it easy because most students were busy with their research, so it was difficult for them to lend me their computers, and I completely understood that.

At this time, my mum was struggling to feed the whole family three meals a day, so how could I dare ask her for a laptop. However, I was surprised and happy to receive a used one from CEF when I was doing my military training course in November 2019. I still remember that moment and could not believe how I got a big gift like that. When I returned home to where the laptop was, it was so funny, as when I opened the laptop and looked at it, I laughed with happiness for almost a day.

Thanks to CEF, my studies became much easier and more interesting, especially for the last two years when we had to take online lectures due to COVID 19. Having a laptop, I have been able to attend all online classes and finish my tasks successfully. Learning the Japanese language is also a challenge because I lacked opportunities to practice or find sources of materials on the internet. Nonetheless, after receiving the computer, I could download many videos and practice my listening and speaking skills via online groups. As a result, I have progressed with my studies and results over the last three semesters.

I promise to keep this present carefully and use it more effectively for my studies. Again, thank you so much!

We truly have been blessed and are very grateful for all the care and support we have received. Whenever we need help you have been there for us. Thank you! 

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