The importance of education flows through our lives so frequently
that I think many people forget that it is still an issue in our global
society. Like food, water and shelter, I feel that education is a basic
need that everyone deserves to have but there are millions of children
out there who are not about to attend school.
Developing a stable educational opportunity for children in an
unstable environment can be the key to changing communities. That is why
my organization Thought Threads and I support the Children's Education
Foundation - Vietnam. We are proud sponsors of Linda's work and a little
girl named Dieu. Our partnership is created out of a mutual agreement
that education is an important aspect of helping children and families
combat poverty by giving girls that opportunity for economic
independence in the future.
By nurturing girls through sponsorship, we hope to make literacy a
priority, economic independence possible and change inevitable. We
recognize the educational privileges that we have and would like to
share it with others less fortunate and that is why our partnership with
the Children's Education Foundation - Vietnam is an important step
toward making a difference.
Daphne Nguyen
Thought Threads
i love ielts