Sunday, April 6, 2014

About the day in Da Nang with Da Nang students and CEF's US manager who was visiting

Stephen who is CEF's US manager, was able to come on our Da Nang day; our term 2 day that was for making payments, honoring the best students from term 1, and visiting each of their homes. He also was able to meet up with two children his good friends are sponsoring.

 Stephen presenting to some of the children we saw in the afternoon

Stephen with the Sunday team and some of the Da Nang children

And presented a prize and certificate to the best two CEF students in Da Nang

He joined us on our  home visits to the homes of the 15 children we are helping in Da Nang. 

And was able to visit two girls that his friends in the States have been sponsoring for some years 

Stephen does so much to support us in the States and so far hasn't met many of the children; he only knows their faces from photos. It was wonderful that we could take him to meet all the Da Nang children and for him to see some of the conditions situations they live in, the new homes that have been built for them, and to see first hand the improvement in some of their conditions . He was also very helpful and made two inspiring speeches to the students in the morning and the students in the afternoon. 

Thank you for your ongoing efforts Stephen, from us all at CEF!

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