'Journeys of the Heart' is one of CEF's partners. Bruce and Elaine who created JOTH to support many organizations helping the financially and physically challenged here in Vietnam, also have decades of business, business management and consultancy experience between the two of them, and generously share their knowledge and experience.
Yesterday they did a session with us at CEF on 'values'. It was a very useful, informative and thought-provoking session.
Bruce shared how the vision, mission and values are so strongly interconnected and have a two way affect; of flowing both down and up. Our goals, objectives, plans, policies, procedures and everyday activities are affected by them and those affect our values, mission and vision. No separation at all exists when everything is working in harmony with our vision, mission and values. This is logical and obvious, but sometimes when busy carrying out our work, this can slip to the back of our minds, and during this session it became so obvious that they need to stay in the front of our minds and in our hearts all the time to help create the perfect balance.
Elaine introduced mind-mapping and we all did a mind-mapping session on each of CEF's values showing how our actions and work show whether we understand and are living the values each day in our work.
Thank you to both of you for sharing your knowledge and experience and bringing a balanced perspective.
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